40 Large Vegan Capsules
Ingredients: Cascara Sagrada, Pau D'Arco, Epazote,
+ Proprietary Blend.
Main actions: Expels intestinal parasites, candida, amoebae and other various microbes.
Cascara Sagrada - used by Native Americans for digestive issues. This bark strengthens and tightens the intestines, replenishes healthy bacteria and cleans waste from the digestive system.
Pau D'arco - in the 1960s, extracts demonstrated marked antitumorous effects in animals, which drewthe interest of the National CancerInstitute(NCI). Researchers decided thatthe most potent singlechemical for this activity was a naphthoquinone chemical named lapachol and they concentrated solely on this single chemical in theirsubsequentcancer research. In a 1968 study, lapachol demonstrated highly significant activity against cancerous tumors in rats. By 1970, NCI-backed research already was testing lapachol in human cancer patients. The institute reported, however, that their first Phase I study failed to produce a therapeutic effect without side effects—and they discontinued further cancer research shortly thereafter. These side effects were nausea and vomiting and anti-vitamin K activity. Interestingly, other chemicals in the whole plant extract (which,initially, showed positive antitumor effects at very low toxicity) demonstrated positive effects on vitamin K and, conceivably, compensated for lapachol's negative effect. Once again, instead of pursuing research on a complex combination of at least 20 active chemicals in a whole plant extract (several of which had anti-tumor effects and otherpositive biological activities), research focused on a single, patentable chemical—and it didn't work as well. Despite NCI's abandonment of the research, another group developed a lapachol analog (which was patentable) in 1975. One study reported that this lapachol analog increasedthe life span of miceinoculated with leukemic cells by over 80%. In a small, uncontrolled,1980 study of nine human patients with various cancers (liver, kidney, breast,prostate,and cervix), pure lapachol was reported to shrink tumors and reduce pain caused by them—and three of the patients realized complete remissions. Another chemical in pau d'arco, beta-lapachone,has been studied closely oflate and a number ofrecent patents have been filed on it. It has demonstrated in laboratory studies to have activities similar tolapachol (antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antitumorous, antileukemic, and anti-inflammatory), with fewside effects. Research published from2003 to 2005 provides important new insights into the possible molecular mechanisms of the anti-cancer activity ofbeta-lapachone specificallyagainst prostate,colon,pancreatic,and lungcancers.In a 2002 U.S.patent,beta-lapachone was cited to have significant anti-cancerous activity against human cancer cell lines including: promyelocytic leukemia, prostate, malignant glioma,colon,hepatoma, breast, ovarian, pancreatic,multiple myelomacell lines and drug-resistant cell lines. In yet another U.S. patent,beta-lapachone was cited with the in vivo-ability to inhibit the growth of prostate tumors.
Epazote - In the 1970's the World Health Organization reported that a decoction of 20 g of leaves rapidly expelled parasites without any apparent side effects in humans
Epazote leaf extract was given to 72 children and adults with intestinal parasitic infections in a clinical study. On average, an antiparasitic efficacy was seen in 56% of cases. With respect to the tested parasites, epazote leaf extract was reported to be 100% effective against the common intestina lparasites, Ancilostoma and Trichuris, and, 50% effective against Ascaris. In 2001,thirty children with intestinal roundworms were treated with epazote. Disappearance ofthe Ascaris eggs occurred in 86.7%, while the parasitic burden decreased in 59.5%. In addition, this study also reported that epazote was 100% effective in eliminating Hymenolepsis nana (common human tapeworm).
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Always consult with your medical proffesional.
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